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Our Team

The professionals at MPS have worked with large and small governmental
agencies on project-specific tasks to broad-range tasks, all focused on
partnering with governments for financial accountability. Our team has
years of experience in the governmental sector and can bring that
experience to you to find the solutions you need.


Accounting Services -
Milestone Professional Services, Inc. (MPS) is a consulting firm
specializing in governmental accounting and financial reporting. Our team
can assist you in a wide array of services.


Information Technology Services -
MPS also has a IT consulting department that specializes in servicing the
needs of the government IT community. With a certified information security
manager (CISM) who is also certified in the governance of enterprise IT
(CGEIT), MPS is able assist you.

Connect with Us





Donna Collins: 352-408-4949

June Lorah: 407-301-8650

Mark Magan: 407-288-9294


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How can we serve you?

For Governments
Does it ever seem as if your annual audit comes more quickly than you are prepared for?  With decreases in funding from property tax reform and other revenue sources due to the slowing economy, it seems that staffing needs to complete financial tasks can’t continue to keep up.  And aftercontinued audit standard changes, does  it feel like keeping up with internal controls is growing harder and harder?  With years of experience as former governmental auditors, the consultants of Milestone Professional Services can assist you in getting your tasks done.  Our services range from development of policies and procedures, performing internal reviews for monitoring, assisting in preparation of the annual fiscal audit, to preparation or technical review of annual financial reports. Our professionals also demonstrate an expertise in maintaining compliance with the requirements of the Federal OMB A-133 and Florida State Single Audit Act, which is especially important with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act providing funding to many local governments.  Let us partner with you in your process of financial accountability. See our list of services to learn more about how Milestone Professional Services can help you better serve your community.  

For  CPA Firms
As the accounting industry continues to evolve and independence standards change, it becomes more evident that audit firms need to reassess the services they provide to their clients.  The upcoming Yellow Book revision and issuance of new audit standards in the recent years   continue the trend of narrowing the latitude audit firms have in providing non-audit services.  Clients that don’t have the personnel, resources or technical expertise to develop adequate internal controls or prepare their own financial reports present a dilemma for many audit firms.  Milestone Professional Services can assist your small or large government client to be part of their management team with our many years of experience in the governmental sector. We can provide the technical resources or additional manpower they need to be in compliance with the new standards and mitigation of risk. See our list of services to learn more about how we can assist your clients to better serve the government community.  

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